the slow space

the slow space

Introducing The Slow Space.
Superfood Play Dough that is created by hand. Made entirely from food grade ingredients, it is non-toxic and safe for little ones.
It’s basically cake batter with salt!
Your Play Dough will come inside a Forever Vessel, made of BPA free silicone.
This is a specifically created airtight container to house your dough in, that can be used over and over again.


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the slow space natural play dough - brown (choccy milk) the slow space natural play dough - brown (choccy milk)
the slow space natural play dough - dragonfruit (pink) the slow space natural play dough - dragonfruit (pink)
the slow space natural play dough - matcha (green)
the slow space natural play dough - passiona (creamy yellow)
the slow space natural play dough - spirulina (blue)